How to Choose Right Bulk SMS Provider in Pune?
Today, every company wishes to stand out in the competition and build innovative strategies to attract customers. Of late, smart phones are the biggest boon to several companies as it allows them to relate to the customers in a better way. Sending out bulk SMS is one such method and an SMS provider will help you achieve the desired results. One must understand that an SMS provider is a mediator between mobile network operators and SMS service user. In other words, we can say that an SMS provider is a separate entity that only provides messaging services.However, before you select a Bulk SMS Provider in Pune or any other city in India, you need to consider some factors and then take a decision. Some important factors have been mentioned below.

1. What is the cost of each SMS
This is an important factor and you can pay the Bulk SMS Provider in Pune in two forms:
• Credit Based- In this system , you first purchase a few credits from the provider.Depending upon which country you wish to send the SMS, you will earn some credits every time you send an SMS. The credits may vary from one country to another.For instance sending SMS messages to India may earn you one credit while sending it to US may cost you 2 credits.
• SMS Based- In this system, you purchase several SMS messages and the cost of sending the SMS to any country will remain the same. For example, if you purchase 10 SMS messages, you can send it to India or US at the same cost.
Understand the pros and cons from your provider and take an informed decision depending on your requirement and budget.
2. Find out if there are any hidden costs
Normally, Bulk SMS Provider in Pune do not mention about the fees involved in the pricing. This is done so as to make their service appear cheaper compared to other service providers and you may realize that additional set up fees or any other fees may be charged.
3. Is there any minimum SMS package or a monthly SMS package that you need to purchase?
Some SMS providers may ask you to purchase a minimum amount of SMS. However, it is recommended that you understand your application before you purchase any minimum package. If you are not sure about how successful your SMS application will be, there is no point in purchasing any minimum amount of SMS. Instead, you can purchase a small or less number of SMS messages or credits initially and increase it in case your SMS application gains more traffic.
4. Check the expiry of the SMS messages or credits provided
In most cases, Bulk SMS Provider in Pune will allow you to use the SMS or credits purchased within a stipulated time. After which, the SMS or credits will expire. Therefore, it is important that you choose a provider having no such restrictions and must be able to understand the amount of traffic your application receives.
5. Is the network coverage of SMS provider strong enough?
A good network coverage will ensure that your SMS messages will be delivered without any problems to your targeted mobile users in different countries. Although the website of the SMS provider may list out the supported countries , it may not be an updated one.The SMS provider will not be able to guarantee that a mobile user will receive your SMS in the countries listed on the website. This may happen because the SMS message may be routed via other gateways.Also, it must be noted that SMS may not reach mobile users in case the mobile numbers have been ported.
6. Is your chosen protocol supported by the SMS provider?
Some Of The Common Protocols Supported By Bulk SMS Provider In Pune Are:
• HTTP- This protocol is widely used to send and receive SMS as it is very simple to use.
• HTTPS- In this protocol, the data is encrypted before transmitting over the internet.This provides you better security compared to HTTP. Your data is also protected and won’t be seen by others.
• XML – This protocol is believed to be better than HTTP and HTTPS as it allows you to submit bulk SMSes in a single HTTP request.
• SMTP (SMS to email/ email to SMS)- This protocol can be opted if you wish to send or receive SMS in the form of an email.
• FTP- Several messages can be uploaded in a single request by putting it in a text file.Therefore, making it a better choice than HTTP or HTTPS.
• SMPP- It is a protocol in the binary form used to communicate with SMS centers and gateways. It is used by advanced users for sending and receiving SMSes in bulk.
7. Are you able to understand and use the provider’s API (Application Programming Interfaces)?
A well documented API will be highly beneficial to developers. This factor is important while selecting your SMS provider as it allows you to check whether the provider supports any important feature required by your SMS application.
Some SMS service providers might ask you to create an account or purchase the package before allowing you to download the API documentation from their website. Avoid such providers if possible.
8. What are the payment options the service provider offers?
Today, most of the Bulk SMS Provider in Pune support credit card payment done online. Others may also accept PayPal, direct deposit, cheque payment or wire transfer.
9. Does the provider allow any free trial package?
It is imperative that you first test whether the provider is able to send the SMS messages to the targeted mobile users. The trial package will also enable you to test the network quality of the SMS provider. If your chosen provider does not offer any free trial package, it will be better if you could purchase the minimum package and test it yourself.
10. Is the support service of the provider good enough?
It is imperative that the Bulk SMS Provider in Pune has a good support team and have a complete understanding of its system. The team should also be able to answer all your questions and solve compatibility issues if any. Through the support team, you will be able to know the quality of the service provider and hence help you take a better decision.
Are Their Any Bulk SMS Provider In Pune ?
Yes there are many Bulk SMS Provider in Pune but the main question is that you want a reliable bulk sms provider who can give good support too. Satej Infotech Pvt Ltd, is one such Bulk SMS Provider. They can not only provide bulk sms at a competitive price but can also provide managed bulk sms service. For more detail get in touch on +91 9156044824 or email at
Contact us today to discuss your requirements.